I tend to read a lot of fanfics as you probably already noticed.
I read them because they keep me company here in this small shithole where I live and I kidn of owe the fanwriters for being able to write this in English in the first place... and I can say I speak English better than Spanish that is my second native language... but I guess that says more about how bad I am at expressing myself in Spanish than how good I might be with English.
But still. I read a lot of fanfics.
Because I feel like I learnt a lot about romance from all those super-romantic stories (what about my parents having a weird relatioship that sure as fuck was not love??) and I love them. I love reading fluff. I love smutty stuff as well.
I don't read angst, just cute nice things with happy endings. I love that.
But what I wanted to say is that I think it's pretty cute how a lot of fanfics tell of undying love that starts when the protagonists met at a very young age.
They might be neighbours, classmates or just random childhood friends but they really really lover each other and so they just stuck together and lived happily ever after.
Let me tell you that's cute as fuck.
But that does not happen irl.
Or at least that did not happen to me. That did not happen to anyone I know. Nobody's still friends with their childhood BFF and I sincerely think that my old friend form primary school is definitely not my kind of girl. And I am definitely not her kind of boy. (not being a boy at all plays an important role in that last part.)
Also the sweet humans I hang out with lately... and not even old friends. I met all of them in the last three years and I'm 23 y.o. so... we didn't really share a good part of our life. No romantic "knowing everything of eachother for platonic reasons" and only a small amount of "sweet and awkward memories about each other" so... that wouldn't really be super-romantic story material.
And that's something that makes me feel good about stuff.
(Lately things are being kinda rough and I'm really starting to worry and overthink stuff. I should stop, I know.)
I am 23 y.o. (and a half-ish??) and I am still young!
Statistics say that I'll probably live something like 80 years so I've lived something like.... 1/4 of what I can expect to live??
I can still meet someone that at some point will be able to say that has known me for so long that is actually more than half my life.
And that puts my mind at ease.
The fact that I do not have someone that stuck with me for long until now doesn't mean that I won't ever have someone like that. I might even have met them already, in this three years!
But it'll take 20 years more to tell.
That's cool.