giovedì 21 novembre 2013

Lucca Comics


*sigh* I know it's late and stuff, but... I'm not here to post anything about Lucca Comics 2013 yet. I'm not really in the mood and.. I haven't really been completely ok since then.

Lucca Comics was fun and I met a load of funny and sweet people but... I don't know, I feel like I'm kind of waiting for something to happen and... well, it's not happening. Or maybe it is, it would be easier to tell if I actually knew what the heck I'm waiting for!
Yep, even after Lucca Comics I'm still kind of insane, I'm sorry guys... I have to confess it's not stress what makes me kind of weird. I'm just like that, always.

Anyway, I'm not here to whine about how fucked up my mind is or whatever! I'm here to tell you about Lucca Comics!

...I'm changing my mind pretty fast tonight, isn't it? Well, I'm sorry sweeties.

The truth is that I think that all I can say about Lucca Comics is kind of a clichè. It was super cool, and funny and awesome, there were a lot of cosplayers and most of them were just plain sweet and I wanted to have pictures of a lot of them and I cosplayed as well and I'm glad I got pictures and stuff like that.
This is all true but I feel like shit writing common stuff on my blog... I would not read a blog with boring stuff.

So I'm gonna tell you about the people I met!

I met a looooot of  friends from Turin and it was awesome, I missed them so much and I was so happy to see them again! I love them all, really, they made me what I am right now and I'm always happy to see them and have a little chat, even if we don't really tlak that much. They're all cosplayers and they made me feel ok and accepted in the cosplay community, even if I don't cosplay that much... They're just sweet, I love them! Really!

But then I also met people that knew me but I really did not know! This really surprised me! They came to say hi and I really enjoyed chatting with them!

I also got to know new people! I managed to keep in touch with most of them and I'm glad I did because most of them are so nice and cute! And also quite good artists! (I coudn't draw like them for my life *sigh*)
I've followed some new blogs on tumblr and I'll probably end up in new fandoms u.u

Also I'm kind of sad because I did not meet some people I wanted to see... I'm really sorry but you know how Lucca Comics is... It's huge and crowded and... I just could not find you!

Anyway I'm feeling pretty lazy so I won't upload pics, you can find some of them on OWL's blog along with the actual Lucca Comics Chronicle (?) aaaand if you just want to see all the pics (ALL OF THEM) they're all in out OWL @ Lucca Comics album!!

So... that's it. u.u

Ah, I nearly forgot!
I met some pretty cute girls as well and someone may or may not have left me kind of lovestruck (?)

Haru loves you <3

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