venerdì 27 settembre 2013

I can't believe this keeps happening

Ok so I just found out something about someone.

There's this friend of mine (that from now on I'm not considering a friend anymore coz O M F G) that I thought was kind of smart.
Just kind of because I think he's been wasting his life and talent and shit but hey... it's his life who am I to tell him what to do with it? If he wants to let it slip down the fucking drain it's ok, as long as he does not hurt others... isn't it?

Yes, it is.

But now I just found out that he's something so so so so bad that I really can't completely believe this actually happened.

I use to be a pretty close friend of his some time ago and I just never noticed. I'm now wondering if this is something that came up to his mind after us drifting apart from each other or what.

Anyway, the point is... that he's a racist.

I know what you're thinking, I know what you all should be thinking and it's


Yep, a damn racist. He absolutely thinks that white people's better that any other "race".

And what I immediatly thought is WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I mean we used to be quite close and even though I really look like a random European I'm half Mexican.

Did he ever think about it?

I mean, did he ever realize that I am a "half-blood" or that I'm "half-inferior-race" or whatever he could define me as?

And in that case what was I? Was our friendship some wicked "adopt a stray dog" act?

No seriously. What's wrong with people like him? What makes you think that a race (that just /happens/ to be yours) is better than any other?

I mean, ok. There /are/ races. We are physically different (ok to make this easy, just think about average height.) but that's all. There is no reason to think some races are better than others.

Our brains are all the same and really... who cares about skintones and shit? I do not. And I hope you do not either.

And don't tell me "It's normal, the world's full of racists" and stuff because it isn't. And even if it's normal it should definitely not be normal, because it's NOT OK.

So just promise me you'll all raise your kids without shitty prejudices and do you best to report any case of racism. The world needs to change.

The same goes for homophobia and sexism.



Haru loves you.

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