And Merry Christmas!
I spent a wonderful Christmas (and its eve) watching Supernatural!
Kinda sad, I know, but I had fun and also I finally reached the 4th season! HA! I'm so fucking happy!
At today, at 5 am, I finally met (?) CASTIEL.
All I can really say is that I can't stop blushing like a little school girl who's been noticed by her sempai. Really.
I can't believe how his puppy face affects me. It's motherfucking embarrassing.
but I can feel blood rushing to my fucking cheeks every time he's got that lost look in his eyes. Like "Dean. I didn't know you were a complete idiot."
He just kills me every time. With that stoic look, he looks like he's trying his best not to look unprofessional but he has no clue on what he's doing and that's just PLAIN AWESOME.
So Castiel and his angel powers make my Strider-like poker face (yeah, that's the one I don't have at all) crack and I just melt. I hate it.
But I knew it. I saw that coming. I started this series with the only goal of seeing him and... omg I'm so embarrassed. I can't even.
I just can't he's so cute. SO CUTE.
How could anyone compete with something so fucking adorable. I know I can't. Maybe Caliborn could... but still. I can't.
I just can't.
Haru loves you.
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